Sunday, October 19, 2008

What did I get myself into..............

So......... this is a picture of me with my mouth so full of skittles that if I would have smiled any longer I would have drooled all over the place. How this started? On the way home from a meet on the bus my athletes convinced me to play a game called skittles. They had bought a 5lb bag of skittles when we stopped for dinner and snuck them on the bus. We arents supposed to have any food on the bus. I usually sit in the front of the bus and mind my own business and occasionally walk back or look back and check on them. Well........... I made my way to the middle of the bus to see what they were all laughing about and this is what I joined! One person is designated to pull two skittles out of the bag and hand them to everyone who is playing if you get doubles (two of the same color) you can chew your skittles. If you dont you have to hold them in your mouth until you do get a pair. As you can guess I didnt get to chew my skittles very often. It was fun...... those of you who are in young womans this would be a fun game to play. You just take turns going around the circle. The catch is, if you get doubles you have to hurry and chew as fast as you can, cause if someone else get doubles after you or it makes it back around the circle you have to stop chewing! I learned that if you dont chew its easier......... once the skittles are broke open they hurt your throat and the gag reflex kicks in. Good luck if you play it. I believe I have over 75 skittles in my mouth. I lost track after 50!

We made it through another season!

Kade is such a trooper. He attends nearly all my weekday meets and practices. He enjoys the bus rides and getting checked out of school early once a week. He enjoys tormenting my athletes or doing gymnast tricks when they are stretching or just hanging out. We have a break before Outdoor track starts. Most of those meets are on Saturdays so he doesnt come to a lot of those. Frustrates him when he comes back from his fathers for the weekend and finds out I was out of town for a track meet.

Coaching the High school x-country and track team

Coaching the High school x-country  and track team



The game plan!

The game plan!

Emery meet........

Emery meet........

Carbon High Cross Country Team

Carbon High Cross Country Team

Pep Talk before the big home meet

Pep Talk before the big home meet
"We won the meet by one POINT!